Q: What is the origin of your shipments?
A: Our products are sourced from various partner factories located worldwide. As a result, if you order multiple items, they may be shipped separately as they are manufactured in different locations.
Q: What is the estimated delivery time for my items?
A: Typically, you can expect your items to arrive within a timeframe of 8-12 business days, depending on your location and any potential customs processes.
Q: Is it necessary to create an account to place an order?
A: No, creating an account is not mandatory. While you have the option to place an order as a guest, we highly recommend creating an account to enjoy the benefits it offers. With an account, you can easily track your orders, view your order history, and receive exclusive promotions and updates.
Q: Can I request an exchange for my order?
A: Currently, we do not offer an exchange service. However, we are more than happy to assist you with returns and refunds. Please contact our customer support team for guidance on initiating a return.
Q: Can I initiate a return for my items?
A: Absolutely! We have an extended 30-day return policy for your convenience. If you are not completely satisfied with your items or if you receive a defective product, please reach out to our customer support team via email. They will guide you through the return process and ensure a smooth experience.
Q: Can I modify or cancel my order?
A: Certainly! You can make changes or cancel your order within a 24-hour window after placing it. To request modifications or cancellations, please contact us as soon as possible. Once your order has been processed by our warehouse, changes may not be possible.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept major credit cards, including VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and AMEX.
Q: How can I track the status of my order?
A: Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email notification containing a tracking number. This tracking number allows you to easily monitor the status and whereabouts of your order throughout the shipping process.